PERSONAL STYLE SURVEYS One of the most valuable skills anyone can have in today's market and society is the ability to adapt one's Personal Style to illicit the best results from situations and individuals. In order to master this skill, one must first "KNOW THYSELF." The best way to learn about the style that you use to obtain results and enjoy effective interact with others is through an impartial system of exposure and feedback. The challenge is: we all feel vulnerable upon exposing our feelings and motivators. The second challenge is then finding impartial and unconditional feedback from sources without their own agenda. The Personal Style Surveys have been developed to provide the ideal environment for this exposure and feedback process. The participant is given the opportunity to respond to a simple grid of adjectives that describe how he or she normally aligns with these descriptions. By responding instinctively, honestly and without fear of retribution, the participant can safely give this needed EXPOSURE about themselves. The survey then quickly and objectively calculates the responses online and gives the respondent immediate FEEDBACK based upon what they have just told the system in their responses. This FEEDBACK, in the form of a simple, yet complete, report gives the participant a thorough understanding of their main personal style that they use to get results on a daily basis and how to interact with others and in work or business, as well as in their personal lives. This feedback is vitally important in the self-discovery process. In addition, by comparing the reports with other styles, one can begin to learn the best ways to build rapport, inspire action and accomplish one's personal and team goals. Find out more about how you can use this valuable tool to help you know yourself and also begin to understand others. Through the cycle of good communication, honest interaction and forged trust, truly successful results will result. For more information about how you or your organization can benefit from the Personal Style
Survey, email: |